Thursday, December 10, 2009


The special advanced Screen Actors Guild screening of the movie, "NINE," last night at the Directors Guild of America theater was followed by conversations by the directors and actors. Rob Marshall, Nicole Kidman, Penelope Cruz, "Fergie," and John DeLuca appeared, in person, for questions and answers.

The genius behind this dazzling film version, Marshall, claims that musicals are "in his blood;" it is "what he loves." Cruz had never sung before on film and described it as having been the "most happy experience...making a film." Kidman had brought her six-month-old baby with her to the set...and, had an unforgettable time when filming a scene at 3 a.m. in a small Italian village with Daniel Day-Lewis. Stacy Ferguson (Fergie), when committing to her character, voluntarily gained 20 pounds. The discomfort did not end there. She and the dancers who did the production number in a sand pit went home every night with sand in every part of their bodies (even their eyes). All of the performers alluded to how "safe" they felt when working with Marshall. Johnny Depp can now have that experience when making his next "Pirates..." movie. He and Marshall will be working together on that project. Can't even imagine what might come from that collaboration?

Rob Marshall is creating a new genre of baroque film making. His films are an "operatic musical theater." When in that darkened theater, my every sense was invaded until I almost couldn't stand it!

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