Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Reading, Reading, Reading

All of the books I have been wishing to read arrived at the same time. I fell into Jeanette Walls', "The Glass Castle," and didn't come up for air until it was finished. This truth-is-stranger-than-fiction memoir kept me in disbelief and awe. It's a hard act to follow. Isabel Allende is up next.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Leap of Faith

Being in the opening night audience of the Broadway-bound musical, "Leap of Faith," was a blessing. Not wanting to give anything away, I just want you to know that you are in for a total theatrical immersion.

All miracles don't happen in church! When experiencing the talent in this production--"it's a miracle"! When seeing unbelievable lighting and scenic effects--"it's a miracle"!

When being transported and changed (yes, even saved) in the theater--"it's a miracle"! It is fated.